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Supreme Court of New Zealand — recent judgments: July 2024

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A summary of decisions delivered in July 2024 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw New Zealand.

Maid v R  [2024] NZSC 86

31 July 2024

Unsuccessful applications by M for (a) an extension of time to seek leave to appeal against failure by the Court of Appeal to impose a sentence of home detention and (b) leave to appeal against a subsequent refusal to cancel his sentence of imprisonment. The Court of Appeal had reduced his sentence to 17 months’ imprisonment and given him leave to apply for home detention.


McFarland v Commissioner of Police  [2024] NZSC 84

30 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by M for leave to appeal against an assets forfeiture order over a property. M was one of three shareholders of the company which owned the property. The shareholders were associated with the Head Hunters motorcycle gang.


NZTSOS Inc v Minister for COVID-19 Response  [2024] NZSC 83

30 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by NZTSOSI for leave to appeal against dismissal of its challenge to a vaccination mandate for certain education sector workers in relation to the COVID-19 response.


Boyd v Australian Federal Police  [2024] NZSC 82

30 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by B for leave to appeal against the striking out of his appeal as an abuse of process. B had been appealing against the striking out of his proceedings by the High Court.


Carter v Capital and Coast District Health Board  [2024] NZSC 85

29 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by C for leave to appeal against the striking out of his proceedings regarding the compulsory mental health treatment received by his son before he died.


Deliu v Solicitor-General  [2024] NZSC 81

26 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by D for leave to appeal against a refusal to dispense with security for costs. D had applied for a dispensation in relation to his appeal against dismissal of his application for judicial review.


Luo v Shiu  [2024] NZSC 79

24 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by L and others for leave to appeal against a finding that misrepresentations had not been made by S in relation to joint venture agreements.


Kumar v R  [2024] NZSC 78

24 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by K for leave to appeal against conviction for theft by a person in a special relationship in relation to grants from gaming machine proceeds.


Whakatōhea Kotahitanga Waka (Edwards) v Te Kāhui Takutai Moana o Ngā Whānau me Ngā Hapū o Te Whakatōhea  [2024] NZSC 77

23 July 2024

Successful application by Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou to intervene in an appeal in relation to marine and coastal area negotiations.


Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu ki Waitangi v Waitangi National Trust Board  [2024] NZSC 76

8 July 2024

Unsuccessful application by TWNHW for leave to appeal against refusal by the Registrar of the High Court to accept a statement of claim following reinstatement by the Court of Appeal of TWNHW's proceedings.


Chief of Defence Force v Four Members of the Armed Forces  [2024] NZSC 75

8 July 2024

Successful application by CDF and others for leave to appeal against a judgment that had required CDF to reconsider an order made in relation to vaccination against COVID-19.

The approved question was whether the Court of Appeal had been correct to allow an appeal by FMAF.


Whittington v UDC Finance Ltd  [2024] NZSC 74

3 July 2024

Unsuccessful applications by W for (a) recall of a judgment issued in 2021 that had refused to stay his bankruptcy adjudication and (b) stay of a High Court order that had adjudicated him bankrupt.

Jane Dawson
By Jane Dawson

Jane Dawson is a Senior Cases Editor in the New Zealand Primary Law team at Thomson Reuters. She completed a LLB at Victoria University in 2018 and also holds degrees in music from Otago University.

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