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Revision of Personal Grievances product partially completed

Content updates

The planned revision of the Personal Grievances product is partially completed bringing up-to-date cases and commentary.

The following Personal Grievances sections have been revised – Fixed-Term Agreements, Probationary and Trial Periods, Sexual and Racial Harassment, Remedies, Costs, Institutions and the Procedures and Invoking the Personal Grievance Procedure. This includes both new commentary and cases. The most notable case commentary included is about the very recent case of MW v Spiga [2024] NZEmpC 147, a judgment of the Full Court (found at [12.3.04], [12.4.32] and [14.3.19]).

By Christine Sanders
Senior Legal Editor

Christine is a Senior Legal Editor in the Legal Analytical team in New Zealand. She has two Bachelors degrees - Social Sciences and Law, two Masters degrees - Management Studies and Labour Relations and Social Work, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling. She has worked at Thomson Reuters for 12 years and before that she worked as a Probation Officer for 10 years.

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