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New Forms & Precedents title: Commercial Contracts Precedents

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Commercial Contracts Precedents is a new addition to the Forms & Precedents (F&P) collection and part of the Commercial & Contract Practice Area on Westlaw New Zealand.

The 25th title in the F&P series, Commercial Contracts Precedents contains authored precedents, prescribed forms and practical commentary relating to commercial contracts in New Zealand. Initial topics covered (with more to follow in 2025):

  • Contract Law Principles (commentary).
  • Boilerplate Commercial Contracts/Clauses (commentary and precedents).
  • Execution of Contracts (commentary and precedents).
  • Specific Types of Contract (commentary and precedents).
  • Prescribed Forms (statutory forms).

For a complete list of contents, see Commercial Contracts Precedents — Index.

The forms and precedents are designed to work with the F&P Drafting Aide. This Microsoft Word plug-in automates aspects of filling in a document: you only need to enter a repeating variable (e.g. [1=company name]) once, and all other instances of the variable in the document will be populated automatically, saving time and reducing room for human error. The F&P Drafting Aide guides you through each variable that needs to be filled in. It also allows users to renumber paragraphs automatically, and to import styles from other documents.

A link to PDF instructions for installing and using the F&P Drafting Aide, as well as a link to download and install the F&P Drafting Aide itself, is available on the Westlaw New Zealand web page of any form or precedent.

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