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Legislation added to Westlaw New Zealand: July 2024

Content updates

The following recent Acts, Bills and subordinate legislation are now available on Westlaw New Zealand. Legislation can also be found using the legislation search page. Bills can be found using the bills search page.


Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2024 (2024 No 28)

Māori Fisheries Amendment Act 2024 (2024 No 27)



Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (Reported from the Justice Committee on 26 July 2024)

Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (Reported from the Justice Committee on 3 July 2024)

Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 29 July 2024) 

Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill 2024 (Reported from the Finance and Expenditure Committee on 18 July 2024) 

Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill 2024 (Reported from the Primary Production Committee on 18 July 2024) 

Secondary Legislation Confirmation Bill 2024 (Introduction 11 July 2024)


Subordinate legislation


Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Amendment Regulations 2022 Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/133)

Building (Forms) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/148) (not yet in force)

Building (Minor Customisations) Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/157) (not yet in force)

Building (Minor Variations) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/158) (not yet in force)

Charities (Taxation and Charities Review Authorities—Appeals Process) Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/131)

Coroners (Doctors Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/149) (not yet in force)

Coroners (Forms) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/150) (not yet in force)

Court of Appeal (Civil) Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/140) (not yet in force)

Criminal Procedure Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/145) (not yet in force)

District Court (Access to Court Documents) Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/139) (not yet in force)

District Court Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/141) (not yet in force)

District Court (Updating References) Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/152) (not yet in force)

Financial Markets Conduct (Climate-related Disclosures—Overseas Banks and Insurers) Exemption Notice 2024 (SL 2024/138)

Financial Markets Conduct (Managed Funds—Loan Disclosure Requirements) Exemption Notice 2024 (SL 2024/136) 

Financial Markets Conduct (Market Index) Exemption Notice 2024 (SL 2024/134)

High Court Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/151) (not yet in force)

Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/146) (not yet in force)

Land Transport (Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/128) 

Land Transport (Regulatory Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/130)

Local Government Members (2024/25) Amendment Determination 2024 (SL 2024/160)

Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/129)

Resale Right for Visual Artists (Reciprocating Countries) Order 2024 (SL 2024/156) (not yet in force)

Senior Courts (Access to Court Documents) Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/143) (not yet in force)

Social Security (Emergency Housing) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/137) (not yet in force)

Supreme Court Amendment Rules 2024 (SL 2024/142) (not yet in force)

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