Practical Law New Zealand: what's hot in 2022?
Content updates

In 2022 the Practical Law New Zealand team will be watching:
- Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill – this is a private member's bill that makes it clear that a company director can take actions that take into account matters other than the financial bottom-line, such as recognising the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and environmental impacts.
- Commerce Amendment Bill – this bill proposes, among other things, to increase the maximum pecuniary penalties for business acquisitions or mergers that breach the Commerce Act 1986, to align them with other breaches of the Commerce Act 1986.
- Dispute funding – the Law Commission's final report on its review of the law relating to class actions and litigation funding in New Zealand is due in May 2022.
For more information on these hot topics, see the following Practical Law New Zealand practice notes:
- Quick guide to directors' duties: The Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill by Practical Law New Zealand with Cath Shirley-Brown, Partner, Russell McVeagh.
- Merger control: overview: Commerce Amendment Bill by Troy Pilkington, Partner, Russell McVeagh with assistance from Practical Law New Zealand.
- Dispute funding for companies: Litigation funding by Gavin Beardsell and Kate Hurford, Omni Bridgeway with Practical Law New Zealand.
For more information about these resources, or to discuss a subscription to Practical Law, please contact Abigail Milburn, Practical Law New Zealand Lead.