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Printing - how to print from Brookers Online

How to print tips 

Printing from the page you are currently viewing 

Brookers Online Print Options

Quick print  the current page

  1. Be in the document you wish to print
  2. In the right sidebar, click on Print this document
  3. Click on the Print icon button (top right hand corner)
  4. Click Return to Normal View (top left hand corner

Printing a Word version of the current page – retains formatting

  1. Be in the document you wish to print
  2. In the right sidebar, click on Export this document (see screen shot above)
  3. At the prompt, click Open – the page will be copied into a Word document


Printing an entire Act (or Regulation)

  1. Be anywhere in the Act you wish to print
  2. In the right sidebar, click on View this Bill/SOP or  Act/Regulation ( see screen shot above)
  3. At the prompt, click OK, then click Open
  4. Wait a few moments - a PDF of the Act will appear

Printing a case

  1. Be in the case you wish to print
  2. If you are printing from BriefCase, click the ViewCase or Judgment Image link that appears in a box under the case title to a PDF version of that case ( as per screen shot right), then click the print icon
  3. If you are printing from another case law database, click Print this Document from the right sidebar (see screen shot top right)

Printing My Selections  or non-consecutive items

It is possible to compile and print several non-consecutive documents from one or several databases. This option is useful if you wish to print selected items from various databases, or an entire Part of an Act for example.  See My Selections in the Help tab.

If you need further help with any aspect of your Brookers product subscriptions  please contact Customer Support.

By Susan Dugdale

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