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Why training is like going to the dentist

Patricia VeenPatricia Veen, one of our online training specialists, found a quote about training comparing it to going to the dentist! She says it typifies the attitude she most commonly meets in her work.

Is this your organisation too? Read on to find out.

"Training and development of people is a little like going to the dentist. We know we must for long term health, but we can put it off and often do. Addressing the need to develop our people is the same thing. We have to assume that a failure to do so will cause a problem down the line and do it now because it should be done, whether or not it makes a measurable difference today. But like brushing our teeth, we have to do it properly. A strategic intent must always be behind what we do, otherwise our aimless "brushing" will leave us still laden with slowly decaying infrastructures.

While machines excel at simple analysis, they don't have the intelligence to understand inference and judgement. So, while it is possible to undergo introductory and basic training using standard web-based courses, these are a one-size-fits-all approach. Regular follow-ups with a real person who can discuss, explain and listen in a human way is infinitely more beneficial."

Why not call our new 0800 10 60 40 Online Training HelpDesk to discuss your online training needs today?

We offer full training needs analysis and will diagnose and treat accordingly! There are multiple options available – all readily customisable to fit your needs. The most frequently requested topics are: 'how do I know which data base to choose?', searching and search operators, printing, working with the caselaw database, Bills, what's new in the databases, precedents and  the 'top tips' for getting the most from your Brookers Online subscription.

You could discuss your specific training needs now. Call Patricia directly: 021 598 894

By Patricia Veen

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