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Brookers Online New Practice Areas

We have made some changes to Brookers Online to make the content you want easier to find.

BrookersOnline homepageFrom 26 August when you log in to Brookers Online, you'll see three new practice areas:

* Accident Compensation (top box in screenshot) which opens to -

  •   - Accident Compensation Cases
  •   - Personal Injury in New Zealand
  •   - Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (cross-linked to *Legal Aide - Brookers Legal  Services)

* Bankruptcy & Insolvency (middle box in screenshot) which opens to -

  •   - Insolvency Law
  •   - Insolvency Cases

* Legal Aide  (bottom box in screenshot) which opens to -

  • - Brookers Legal Services

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By Sandy Botterill

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