Post Earthquake: Health & Safety and HR Advice
Three Resources for Employers and Employees to Aid Aftermath Decision Making
1. Following the devastating February 22 Christchurch earthquake the Department of Labour is reiterating the health & safety and HR advice it offered to employers affected by the earlier earthquake in September.
2. Law firm Chapman Tripp is also offering guidance on maintaining the employment relationship in the wake of any disruptive natural disaster.
Chapman Tripp’s key points are:
- Put staff safety and welfare first.
- Take time before making any decisions, particularly if they affect staff safety or long term employment.
- Communicate with staff, especially before making any key decisions.
- Be compassionate, understanding, flexible and pragmatic.
To read their entire post click the link employment relations in the aftermath of the quake.
3. To help prepare your business for any natural disaster, Civil Defence has an excellent checklist which is worth working your way through.
A reminder -
If your business has been affected by the quake and you require legal information we are offering support regardless of whether you are an existing customer of Thomson Reuters (Brookers) or not.
Click the link Christchurch Earthquake Assistance to find out more.