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Introducing Westlaw NZ -

- our new legal online research service

Soon there'll be a new online research service available. We’ve called it *Westlaw NZ.

Westlaw NZ is a powerful combination of the best of Brookers Online coupled with intuitive search and navigation to deliver quick and comprehensive results. It’s designed to give you, our customer, the edge when it comes to online legal research.

More than 300 customers across both New Zealand and Australia worked in partnership with us to develop this latest evolution in our legal online service. That’s how we know  Westlaw NZ delivers the streamlined search and browse options and fast results you want. You’ll get all these benefits as well as everything else you’ve come to rely on from Brookers Online. 

Why are we changing from Brookers Online to Westlaw NZ?

Our goal is to make our legal online service the best in the market – in every respect. Westlaw NZ has been designed to provide better search options, easier navigation and faster results. We want our legal online service to be a great research ‘partner’ – for everyone from the occasional user to the advanced researcher.

How is Westlaw NZ different to Brookers Online?

Customers have told us, Westlaw NZ is more intuitive to use. The content is connected in clever new ways and there are new advanced features to help you refine and tailor your search results to make your research even more effective.

What happens to the content in Brookers Online?

We’ve migrated all the content from Brookers Online to Westlaw NZ. Be assured that you will continue to have access to the same relevant, up-to-date information, and expert commentary from trusted authors that you’ve become accustomed to expect. The same customer service team will continue to provide whatever support you need.

How does it compare to the other online providers?

Westlaw NZ delivers a combination of features not offered by any other legal online service in New Zealand – thanks in large part to the extensive customer involvement in its design and development.

We’ve combined best practice functionality (e.g. post-search filters, related documents in a single view) with unique features (e.g. consolidated result lists/document display) to make Westlaw NZ a true market leader in online legal research.

When will you have access to Westlaw NZ?

Westlaw NZ is coming soon. We will be introducing our customers to Westlaw progressively with details of how to migrate to the new platform. We recognise of course that any change requires some adjustment, so we will work with you to make your transition as seamless as possible.  To find out more now visit our Westlaw NZ introductory web site.

Help with Westlaw NZ

You will have access to a full range of help materials to assist.
These include:

  1. Self -help via the Help tab on our new Westlaw NZ site
  2. Online tutorials
  3. Personal assistance from our customer care team
  4. Group and/or individual training sessions from our trainers (dependent on availability & location)
  5. Articles on Online Insider

What's next?

We will be contacting you again closer to the launch of Westlaw NZ.
In the interim please visit our introductory Westlaw NZ website, or if you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager  or our Customer Care Team.

*What’s in a name?

The name Westlaw NZ aligns and identifies our new online research platform with its famous American forebear Westlaw.  Today the Westlaw name is globally synonymous with excellence and reliability and yet, country specific, uniquely tailored to meet its users needs.

There's Westlaw United Kingdom, Westlaw Spain, Westlaw Canada,  Westlaw Australia ... and us, Westlaw NZ.


By Susan Dugdale

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