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How to download documents as PDFs to an iPad

ipad and moleskin diaryWhether it's search results or specific documents you can use them as PDFs on your iPad.



Here's how:

First you need to have downloaded the iBooks app and installed it on your iPad.

(If you haven’t got it, click the link above. It is free and easy to install.)

Next using Westlaw NZ, Brookers Online or 1Point, make a PDF out of the document you want.

Reading & Storing PDFs with iBook

  1. Once you have your PDF on your iPad screen, tap on it once.
  2. Near the top right of the screen, a prompt will appear asking where you want to store the PDF, one of the options should say - open in iBooks. Select it.
  3. Now you can scroll through the PDF item you downloaded by moving the screen sideways to the left.
  4. Tap on the screen again and you’ll notice that the Act will be on your iBooks bookshelf.

By Patricia Veen

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