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Alert24 - now includes extended coverage of NZ legislation

We are pleased to advise that Thomson Reuters has recently extended its coverage of New Zealand legislation in Alert24, a premium current awareness service for legal professionals, tracking the progress of Bills, Acts and legislative instruments , to include a range of exciting, new features.
These are:

- Full Commencement Details

Frequently, Acts of Parliament will come into force by virtue of an Order in Council (OIC).  From October, full OIC information will be integrated in the Alert24 database and alert email for New Zealand Acts.

For example, the below article advises that Pts 1 and 2 and Schs 1 and 2 of the Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010 will come into force on 11 October 2013 pursuant to the Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act Commencement Order 2013 (SR 2013/342).

Alert24 -current awareness

- Expiry Information

Each year, approximately 80-100 legislative instruments will cease to have effect pursuant to an expiry provision.  We will now keep you updated on the latest expiries as they happen.  The Act or legislative instrument remains in the database, with a note detailing the date of the expiry and the provision which effects the expiry. An “EXPIRED” notation is added to the title.

Alert24 - legislation updates 

- Committee of the Whole House

Our legislation tracking tables have been expanded to include the date on which a Bill is considered in detail by the Committee of the whole House.

Alert24- NZ legislation update 

- Split Bills

Where proposed legislation is split into separate Bills prior to its assent, we link the:

  • original Bill to the split Bills; and
  • assented Act back to the former title of the originating Bill.



We would like to hear your feedback!  If you have any suggestions on how we can continue to improve our online legislation products and services, please contact us via the Comments field below, or alternatively by contacting Alert24 Senior Editor Susanna Parkin at our Wellington office.

The original post was co-authored by Missy Buchanan – Legislation Editor and Kylie Beveridge, former Managing Editor – Legislation.

By Thomson Reuters

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