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Update your Law Directory Listing

 Are you listed in the Brookers Law Directory?

Have we got the information we need to make sure you are included in the 2016 edition?

Brookers Law Directory Cover - update message

Did you get our email?

You should have received an emailed form recently asking you to revise and /or confirm  the information we have on file for you. We need your response BEFORE we can include you in the 2016 edition.

If you have received the form but have not yet replied please do so as soon as you can. Your response, even if it's to confirm the information we already have, is the consent we need in order to publish your listing.  If we don’t get a consent, we can't publish, and you miss out.

The deadline for getting your information to us is 5th August. 

Get the directory listing form

Just in case you didn't receive the directory listing form please get in touch with us via the email address below and we'll send it through.



By Thomson Reuters

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