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Westlaw NZ Mobile Friendly - Coming Soon

We would like to advise that Westlaw NZ will shortly be mobile friendly.

We will apply responsive design to the site allowing optimal use on all devices including tablets and mobile phones.

Users will not be required to download a separate application or go to a new mobile site. Access to the current site will not be altered in any way by this enhancement.

To support use on mobile devices there will be some minor changes to the aesthetics of Westlaw NZ.

Click the image to view the new look mobile friendly Westlaw NZ.


We anticipate a November release of this enhancement.

We will send reminders closer to the release providing more detail, including a screen shot library to assist in updating any in house training and support material ahead of the release.

If you have any questions regarding this enhancement please contact your Account Manager or Technical Care on 0800 10 60 25.



Westlaw NZ Team

Tom Heaton
By Tom Heaton
Manager, Westlaw Product Management

Tom Heaton is a Manager at Thomson Reuters. He has over 20 years experience in information technology and legal publishing. His focus is on Website usability and everything online.

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