Working with Trusts — the good news is here
Working with Trusts has undergone a full review and, in fact, a rewrite to bring it as up to date as possible. It is fully Trusts Act 2019 focused and includes recent cases to illustrate points. Its six chapters of commentary on Trusts has now grown to nine chapters and the Inland Revenue Department Rules chapter has undergone some weeding and updating as well (customers will have been glad to see everyone’s “go to” ruling on tax, the Interpretation Statement: IS 18/01: Taxation of Trusts – Income Tax, appear online recently).
This product is designed to provide clear and comprehensive guidance on inter vivos trusts to all who advise on trusts, including those who do not necessarily specialise in trust law. So as well as lawyers, we are targeting accountants, investment advisers, sharebrokers, farm management consultants, valuers, and all who work in the field at various levels and need a clear and reliable guide to the subject. It has a practical orientation.
We are indebted to Colette Mackenzie for the excellent review and update. Colette is a Principal at Greg Kelly Law Limited, a firm that specialises in trust law. She advises on all aspects of the discipline, particularly the interrelationship between trusts and relationship property. She presents papers at NZLS conferences and leads forums for NZLS CLE on trusts law, in particular on the Trusts Act 2019.
Colette has agreed to undertake the regular updating of chapters 1–8 and we continue to enjoy the specialist updating of the Trust Taxation chapter (now chapter 9) by special counsel Emma Richards and her team at PwC.
We are very glad to have this product up to date and available to our hard-working trusts community, working in this complex area of law. If you, the customer, as you use this updated product, find an area that you would like to see more detail on or have any feedback on how to improve the product, do please feel warmly encouraged to get in touch and provide that feedback. Working with Trusts is updated twice a year and these are good opportunities not only to include reference to new cases coming through, but also to enhance and provide more depth on sections that users would find useful. Email with your feedback at any time throughout the year and we will endeavour to address it in these updates. We want this product to be as useful as possible for you all.

Colette Mackenzie