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By Jason Bull

Forms & Precedents 2.0

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Costs awards to legally aided parties — what happens if scale costs exceed legal aid costs?

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If a legally aided person is the successful party in litigation, and the amount of legal aid approved for payment is less than scale costs, can scale costs be awarded instead?

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Supreme Court of New Zealand - recent judgments: October 2023

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A summary of decisions delivered in October 2023 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw New Zealand.

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Adams — Sentencing: New commentary

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Chapters in Adams — Sentencing have been updated to include the very latest case law.

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Adams — Offences and Defences: Review of Crimes Act commentary

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The Crimes Act 1961 commentary has been carefully revised and rewritten by the authors to ensure it is completely current and accurate.

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Trustees’ indemnities – protections

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Professor Emerita Nicola Peart, fresh from speaking at the Family Law Conference last week on jurisdiction of the Family Court under the Trusts Act, adds new commentary for the last three sections of pt 4, subpt 2 relating to trustees’ indemnities

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E–Scooters (Declaration Not to be Motor Vehicles) Notice renewed

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This declaration exempts e-scooters with a maximum power output of 300 watts, and that meet other criteria as set out in the declaration from being classified as motor vehicles. Because they are not required to meet motor vehicle standards or be registered when used –  this means that...

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