Books on Westlaw New Zealand
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- The Books link located under the Content Types tab:

- A Practice area under the Practice area tab, e.g. Environment & Resource Practice area:

- By typing a Book name into the search bar and selecting it from the pop up:

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When browsing a book title, content is grouped into chapters, reflecting the chapters in the hardcopy version of the book. Simply drill down using the plus icons to locate the required information.

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To view the scope of a book title including an overview of the content, the last publication date, author information and citation formatting, click the information icon available when viewing a book’s Table of Contents.

Author information and last review date can also be found at the top of each section in a book.

Note: Books on Westlaw New Zealand include updates by the Author between editions.
Book titles are subscription dependent, however, content in books outside of your subscription may be viewed on a pay per view basis. Books or documents within books labelled “Out of Plan” mean they are not included in your subscription and charges will be incurred if a document is viewed.