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Family Reports of New Zealand: New cases selected for reporting

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The Family Reports of New Zealand is the specialist law report series that publishes significant case law from the High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Family Court and District Courts.

The following cases have been selected for reporting and will be published in the next update for Volume 32. Each reported case will include a detailed headnote highlighting the key issues and decision in the case.

Booth v Booth (2020) 32 FRNZ 778; [2020] NZCA 451 (CA)

Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children v Lien (2019) 32 FRNZ 739; [2019] NZFC 6269 (FC)

Gosbee v Gosbee (2020) 32 FRNZ 761; [2020] NZHC 1001 (HC)

Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages v AA (2020) 32 FRNZ 745; [2020] NZHC 22 (HC)

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