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Legislation added to Westlaw New Zealand: May 2024

Content updates

The following recent Acts, Bills and subordinate legislation are now available on Westlaw New Zealand. Legislation can also be found using the legislation search page. Bills can be found using the bills search page.

The list is long this month, following delivery of Budget 2024.


Appropriation (2022/23 Confirmation and Validation) Act 2024 (2024 No 14)



Accident Compensation (Interest on Instalment Plans) Amendment Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Appropriation (2024/25 Estimates) Bill  (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Immigration (Mass Arrivals) Amendment Bill 2023 (Reported from the committee of the whole House on 22 May 2024)

Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 20 May 2024)

Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Māori Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022 (Reported from the committee of the whole House on 22 May 2024)

Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of Section 7AA) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 13 May 2024)

Public Finance (Fines Collection Costs— Budget Measures) Amendment Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Public Works (Prohibition of Compulsory Acquisition of Māori Land) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 7 May 2024 )

Regulatory Systems (Economic Development) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 23 May 2024)

Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Bill 2023 (Reported from the committee of the whole House on 7 May 2024)

Regulatory Systems (Immigration and Workforce) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 23 May 2024)

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 16 May 2024)

Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2024 (Introduction 23 May 2024)

Taxation (Budget Measures) Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)

Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Bill 2023 (Reported from the Māori Affairs Committee on 14 May 2024)

Waste Minimisation (Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Bill (Introduction 30 May 2024)


Subordinate legislation

Accident Compensation (Liability to Pay or Contribute to Cost of Treatment) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2024 (SL 2024/82

Biosecurity (Costs) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/90) (Not yet in force)

Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/70) (Not yet in force)

Building (Dam Safety) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/58)

Court of Appeal (Criminal Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/98) (Not yet in force)

Court of Appeal Fees Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/97) (Not yet in force)

Crown Minerals (Minerals Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/55) (Not yet in force)

Crown Minerals (Minerals Other than Petroleum) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/57) (Not yet in force)

Crown Minerals (Petroleum) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024 56) (Not yet in force)

Crown Minerals (Petroleum Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/54) (Not yet in force)

District Courts and High Court (Criminal Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/96) (Not yet in force)

District Courts Fees Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/93) (Not yet in force)

Financial Markets Conduct (Asia Region Funds Passport) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/92) (Not yet in force)

High Court Fees Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/95) (Not yet in force)

Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: King’s Counsel) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/65) (Not yet in force)

Maritime Levies Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/80) (Not yet in force)

Maritime Transport (Oil Pollution Levies) Amendment Order 2024 (SL 2024/81) (Not yet in force)

Natural Hazards Insurance Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/75) (Not yet in force)

Privacy (Information Sharing Agreement Facilitating Services for Veterans and Other Claimants) Order 2024 (SL 2024/59) (Not yet in force)

Social Security (Childcare Subsidy) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/50)

Supreme Court (Criminal Fees) Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/100) (Not yet in force)

Supreme Court Fees Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/99) (Not yet in force)

Unit Titles Amendment Regulations 2024 (SL 2024/52)

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