Thomson Reuters texts cited in New Zealand cases: February 2025
Allan and others Gault on Commercial Law (online, looseleaf, ebook)
Case |
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Link to text on Westlaw |
Stoneburn Farm Ltd v Rural Air Work Ltd [2025] NZHC 267 at [21], n 4 |
Gault (online looseleaf ed) at SI7(6) |
[SI7.02] Remedies of the seller à (6) Action for the price |
Boister Extradition Law in New Zealand (book, ebook)
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Commonwealth of Australia v BW [2025] NZCA 8 at [20], n 13 |
Boister (2020) at [5.9] |
[5.9] Appeal against eligibility decision |
Commonwealth of Australia (above) at [53], n 44 |
Boister (2020) at [1.3] |
[1.3] The application of human rights to extradition in New Zealand |
Downs (ed) Adams on Criminal Law (online, looseleaf, ebook)
Case |
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Fairgray v R [2025] NZSC 6 at [14], n 15 and [21], n 21 |
Adams – Procedure (looseleaf ed) at [CPA200.02A(d)] |
[CPA200.02A] Grounds for suppression order à (d) Real risk of prejudice to a fair trial |
Peka v Te Hei [2025] NZCA 32 at [67], n 95 |
Adams (online looseleaf ed) at [SA32.02] |
[SA32.02] The need for a causal link |
Prasad v R [2025] NZHC 86 at [10], n 3 |
Adams – Criminal Procedure (online ed) at [CPA231.02] |
See now [CPA231.01] Filing notice of application for leave or notice of appeal |
T v R [2025] NZHC 310 at [8], nn 2 and 3 (judgment contains publications restrictions) |
Adams – Criminal Procedure (online looseleaf ed) at [BL13.03] |
[BL13.03] Matters to be considered by court |
Te Amo v R [2025] NZHC 198 at [28], n 9 |
Adams – Criminal Procedure (online ed) at [TP24.09(2)] |
[TP24.09] Conduct of the defence à (2) Recording instructions and advice |
Finn and Mathias Criminal Procedure in New Zealand (book, ebook)
Case |
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Te Amo v R [2025] NZHC 198 at [29], n 14 |
Finn and Mathias (3rd ed, 2019) at [11.4] |
[11.4] Defence counsel’s duties |
Gorman and others McGechan on Procedure (online, looseleaf, ebook)
Case |
Text cited |
Link to text on Westlaw |
Aitken v Judicial Conduct Commissioner [2025] NZHC 190 at [17], n 12 |
McGechan (online ed) at JR15.04 |
[JR15.04] “If … it is necessary to do so to preserve the position of the applicant” |
Aitken (above) at [18], n 15 |
McGechan (online ed) at JR15.05 |
[JR15.05] “The Court may … make an interim order” |
Blissett v Commissioner of Police [2025] NZHC 123 at [9], n 8 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR5.35A.02(2)(i)] |
[HR5.35A.02] “plainly abusive proceeding” à (2) Categories of proceeding that have been considered plainly abusive à (i) Issue estoppel/collateral challenge/relitigating claims already determined |
Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Kaur [2025] NZCA 5 at [49], n 36 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [SC56.01] |
[SC56.01] Antecedents |
D v J [2025] NZHC 266 at [19], n 4 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR24.10.05] |
[HR24.10.05] Court’s inherent jurisdiction to set aside bankruptcy notice |
Een v Body Corporate 384911 [2025] NZHC 238 at [4(a)], n 3 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HRPt14.09(2)(iii)] |
[HRPt14.09] Non-party costs à (2) General principles |
Environmental Law Initiative v Environment Southland [2025] NZHC 191 at [210], n 75 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR30.2.03] |
[HR30.2.03] Mandamus |
Halse v Employment Court of New Zealand [2025] NZCA 11 at [29], n 35 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR15.1.02] |
[HR15.1.02] No reasonably arguable cause of action or defence |
Houghton v Saunders [2025] NZHC 108 at [6], n 4 |
McGechan (online ed) at HR7.24.03 |
[HR7.24.03] Consequences of failure to file and serve notice of opposition |
Houghton (above) at [18], n 25 |
McGechan (online ed) at HR7.42A.01–HR7.42A.02 |
[HR7.42A.01] Orders relating to plainly abusive interlocutory applications [HR7.42A.02] Relationship with other strike out powers |
Houghton (above) at [18], n 26 |
McGechan (online ed) at HR15.1.05(2)(a) |
[HR15.1.05] Otherwise an abuse of process à (2) Types of abuse of process |
Houghton (above) at [27], n 38 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR11.9.01(1)–(12)] |
[HR11.9.01] Recall |
Houghton (above) at [45], n 50 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR5.45.04] |
[HR5.45.04] Further application and review of existing order |
Husheer v Campbell [2025] NZHC 222 at [7], n 11 and [20], n 20 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR14.6.03(1)(c)] |
[HR14.6.03] Indemnity costs à (1) Principles à (c) Examples of behaviour encompassed by r 14.6(4)(a) |
Lincoln v Attorney-General [2025] NZHC 49 at [5], n 6 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR8.22.02] |
[HR8.22.02] General rule as to expenses for non-parties |
Lincoln (above) at [5], n 7 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR8.22.02]–[HR8.22.04] |
[HR8.22.02] General rule as to expenses for non-parties [HR8.22.03] Stage one: costs of application under rr 8.20 or 8.21 [HR8.22.04] Stage two: cost of compliance with order under rr 8.20 or 8.21 |
Lincoln (above) at [5], n 8 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR8.22.05] |
[HR8.22.05] Costs against non-parties |
Lincoln (above) at [7], n 9 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR8.22.03] |
[HR8.22.03] Stage one: costs of application under rr 8.20 or 8.21 |
Lincoln (above) at [10], n 14 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR8.22.04] |
[HR8.22.04] Stage two: cost of compliance with order under rr 8.20 or 8.21 |
Lincoln (above) at [13], n 16 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR14.1.03] |
[HR14.1.03] Pre-proceeding conduct |
Lincoln (above) at [13], n 17 |
McGechan (online looseleaf ed) at [HR14.1.05]–[HR14.1.06] |
[HR14.1.05] Pre-proceeding conduct – refusal or reduction of costs [HR14.1.06] Examples |
McLaughlin v McLaughlin [2025] NZHC 353 at [36], nn 12 and 13 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR14.15.02(a)] and [HR14.5.02(d)–(e)] |
[HR14.15.02] Principles |
Warin v Warin [2025] NZHC 67 at [9], n 10 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR4.52.02] |
See now [HR4.52.01] Purpose |
Warin (above) at [13], n 12 |
McGechan (online ed) at [HR17.9.04] |
[HR17.9.04] Leave |
Joseph Joseph on Constitutional and Administrative Law (book, ebook)
Case |
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Link to text on Westlaw |
Environmental Law Initiative v Environment Southland [2025] NZHC 191 at [19], n 9 |
Joseph (5th ed, 2023) at 921 |
[22.4.1] Inarticulate premise |
Halse v Employment Court of New Zealand [2025] NZCA 11 at [44], n 46 |
Joseph (5th ed, 2021) at [21.7.1] |
[21.7.1] Concept of jurisdiction |
Hart v Marlborough District Council [2025] NZHC 47 at [72], n 49 (within a quote) |
Joseph (online ed) at [4.6]–[4.9] |
[4.6] Status of the Treaty [4.7] Judicial ruling [4.8] Courts and the exercise of sovereign power [4.9] The Treaty and municipal law |
Hart (above) at [185], nn 103 and 106 (within a quote) |
Joseph (4th ed, 2014) at [25.5.5] |
See now [25.5.6] Predetermination |
Merrett and Revill Insolvency Law & Practice (online, looseleaf, ebook)
Case |
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Link to text on Westlaw |
inLandsAirWater Counsel v Manawatū-Whanganui LASS Ltd [2025] NZHC 351 at [7], n 2 and [12], n 8 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA241.03] |
[CA241.03] Liquidations by the court — grounds on which an order may be made |
inLandsAirWater Counsel (above) at [8], nn 3 and 4 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA241.02] |
[CA241.02] Who may initiate a liquidation by the court |
inLandsAirWater Counsel (above) at [11], n 7 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA241.04] |
[CA241.04] Appointment of the liquidator — at court’s discretion |
inLandsAirWater Counsel (above) at [18], n 10 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA289.02] |
[CA289.02] Due debt |
inLandsAirWater Counsel (above) at [28], n 19 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA241.03(4)] |
[CA241.03] Liquidations by the court — grounds on which an order may be made à (4) Just and equitable grounds |
Stoneburn Farm Ltd v Rural Air Work Ltd [2025] NZHC 267 at [21], n 3 |
Insolvency Law & Practice (online looseleaf ed) at [CA289.02(1)] |
[CA289.02] Due debt à (1) Generally |
Optican and McDonald (eds) Mahoney on Evidence: Act and Analysis (book, ebook)
Case |
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Headings of text cited |
Ropitini v R [2025] NZCA 3 at [51], n 38 |
Mahoney (2nd ed, 2024) at [EV43.04(4)] |
[EV43.04] Probative value of the propensity evidence à (4) Section 43(3)(b): timing |
Palmer Local Government Law in Aotearoa New Zealand (book, ebook)
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Link to text on Westlaw |
Hart v Marlborough District Council [2025] NZHC 47 at [58], n 30 |
Palmer (2nd ed, 2022) at 38 |
[1.6.1] Introduction |
Todd (ed) Todd on Torts (book, ebook)
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Peka v Te Hei [2025] NZCA 32 at [87], n 115 |
Todd (9th ed, 2023) at [4.7.4] |
[4.7.4] Primary victims |
Tooma Tooma’s Annotated Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (book, ebook)
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Heading of text cited |
Whakaari Management Ltd v WorkSafe New Zealand [2025] NZHC 288 at [123], n 35 |
Tooma (2016) at [HS20.02] |
[HS20.02] Temporal limitation |
Watson and Taylor (eds) Corporate Law in New Zealand (book, ebook)
Case |
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Link to text on Westlaw |
Financial Markets Authority v CBL Corp Ltd (in liq) [2025] NZHC 295 at [86], n 74 |
Griffiths “Two market[s] share two structures: Fair dealing and enforcement” in Watson and Taylor (2018) 1111 at 1123 |
[37.3.3] Civil liability provisions à (2) Accessory liability, “involved in a contravention” and deemed liability |
Thomson Reuters texts published overseas
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Text cited |
Mitchell v Attorney-General [2025] NZHC 172 at [24(a)], n 3 |
Garner (ed) Black’s Law Dictionary (12th ed, United States, 2024) at 516 and 1253 (re order nisi) |
Peka v Te Hei [2025] NZCA 32 at [55], n 78 |
Sappideen and Vines (eds) Fleming’s The Law of Torts (11th ed, Australia, 2024) at [27.110] (re rule in Baker v Bolton) |