Spotlight on Practical Law New Zealand's ESG content

Some of Practical Law New Zealand's recently published ESG resources include:
Practice note: overview, Climate-related financial reporting which provides an overview of New Zealand's mandatory climate-related disclosure regime (written by Nicola Swan, Partner, Chapman Tripp).
Practice note: overview, Corporate governance which is an overview of the nature and sources of the corporate governance requirements and guidelines that apply to companies in New Zealand (written with assistance from Fiona Bennett, Partner and Ryan Bridgman, Senior Solicitor, Chapman Tripp).
Practice note, Social loans which discusses social loans, including the types of projects and activities that can be financed by a social loan and the drafting considerations when documenting a social loan.
Checklist, Key considerations for in-house lawyers in addressing climate change which outlines the key issues for in-house lawyers to consider in addressing the business risks associated with climate change.
Watch out for more ESG resources coming to PLNZ soon, including a practice note on sustainable and green finance.
For more information about Practical Law New Zealand, or to discuss a subscription to Practical Law, please contact Abigail Milburn, Practical Law New Zealand Lead.