Brookers Online is retiring 31st August
Attention all users -
Have you switched to Westlaw NZ?
Westlaw NZ, our replacement, and more up to date, legal research platform, was released over two years ago now. Since then most Brookers Online users have made the transition and we don't want you to get left behind, or to get a shock when Brookers Online is no longer available. We have been notifying people to offer support and training through varying means: emails, newsletters, website notices, and phone calls, for quite some time. If this is the first time you've heard about it, despite our best efforts to contact everybody, we apologise.
Getting help to make the change
If you haven't moved over, or need help to set up on Westlaw NZ you can get assistance through any of the following ways:
- Email our training team directly at -
- For technical assistance (eg logon and access issues, or missing products), please call 0800 10 60 25
- For general customer care inquiries, please call 0800 10 60 60
Self-help from the Training website
There is comprehensive help available through the training website.
You'll find videos covering for example: First steps on Westlaw NZ and, How to find legislation, downloadable printable pdfs and live webinars.
Here's those links for getting assistance once more. If you need a hand, please let us know.
- Email our training team directly at -
- For technical assistance (eg logon and access issues, or missing products), please call 0800 10 60 25
- For general customer care inquiries, please call 0800 10 60 60
- Or talk to your Account Manager.