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CiteCase overview video

For those of you wondering exactly how CiteCase (our online legal research case law citator) works our Online Trainer Lina Pierson has produced a short overview video.

You can view it on the Training site  by clicking the link: Spot light on CiteCase.

Spotlight on CiteCase - Thomson Reuters NZ training video

About CiteCase

CiteCase is New Zealand’s most up-to-date and sophisticated online case citator allowing you to verify quickly if a case is good law and find citing references to support and strengthen your legal argument.

With an extensive coverage of over 100,000 case records, the chances of missing important citing references are reduced, thereby improving standards of preparatory litigation work.

 CiteCase indicators of state of law

CiteCase employs a flag system, which uses visual indicators (see image left) to alert you to the nature of a case citation, eg whether there is Litigation History, or whether citing cases give ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ treatment. By using CiteCase’s flag system, you can easily identify whether a case can be relied on for its precedent value.

It is fully integrated with Westlaw NZ's other online case research products – BriefCase, ViewCase and FindCase. This gives you the ability to search, and be alerted to, vital citing information regardless of which online case research product you are using, and then easily link out to related cases, legislation or commentary.

More information

  • For more information about subscribing to any of our online case law products please talk to your account manager or customer care: 0800 10 60 60.
  • For more information about using any of online case law products including CiteCase, please contact one of our online trainers.


By Thomson Reuters

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