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Ferreting out tricky-to-find bits of legislation

Have you ever had this problem?

You know a piece of legislation exists in Brookers Online but finding it feels like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Here’s a possible solution.
Hold off pulling your hair out and try using Advanced Search following the illustrated steps below.

From the Brookers Online homepage open the NZ Law Partner Legislation and Cases database.

Select either Regulations of New Zealand or Statutes of New Zealand to open. 

Open Advanced Search in the left sidebar  (see  image below) which will open the Advanced Search template (see image below).

Finding legislation

Finding legislation

Using Advanced Search

Example using Legislation Title field

To locate regulations pertaining to camping
Enter the word camp into the Legislation Title field. If there is any legislation with camp  in its title it will appear below the search box. Click on a title to enter it automatically into the search field.

using Brookers Online

Click Go.
To open your search result click on the title link.

NZ regulations

If your seed word (i.e. your equivalent of camp) does not return anything when you use the Legislation Title field try the Section field.  This will find legislation where the section title contains the keyword you’ve entered.

Example using Section field

To locate regulations pertaining to heating.

An initial search using the Legislation Title field returned nothing.
A search using the Section field yielded 9 results.

If you know the Act the legislation you’re searching for is pursuant to use NZ Law Partner Statutes of NZ.
(See the second image in this post to locate NZ Law Partner Statutes of NZ)

Example using Statutes of NZ

Open Advanced Search
Enter a word from its title into the Legislation Title Field
( eg. health). This will trigger a predictive drop-down list of Acts each with Health in their title. (See image below)
Click on the title you want ( Health Act 1956, in the image below) and then Click Go to bring up the document.

Online Insider

Click on the title to display the Act.

In the right side bar click Subordinate Legislation  (see image below) to open a list of  legislation  made under the Act.

Scroll down the list until you find what you want.

Using the Table of Contents to Find Legislation 

Sometimes it is easier to use the table of contents rather than the advanced search template to find what you want.


We want to find a Part of an Act; eg Part 6 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001.

Follow the illustrated steps below

On the Brookers Online homepage open the NZ Law Partner Legislation and Cases database.  

NZ Law Partner Brookers Online

Next open Statutes of NZ. (See the screen shot below.)

Brookers Online Statutes of NZ

In Statutes of NZ :Table of Contents click on the yellow folder next to the letter A.
Then click on the yellow folder beside Accident Compensation Act 2001.
(See the screen shot below.)

Now click on the yellow folder beside Part 6.

Brookers Online Statutes of NZ

Click on the blue title link Part 6 Management of the Scheme to go directly to the beginning of Part 6 of the Act. ( See image below.)

Brookers Online Statutes of NZ

For more help to find tricky bits of legislation please either contact:

By Susan Dugdale

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