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Finding the case you’re looking for ...

... without thinking you're going mad!

You’re putting in the case title and coming up with nothing!  Let’s see if we can solve that for you.
It seems as though the case name isn’t linked to the actual case.
The reason for the lack of results could be:

  1. The case you’re trying to find is from overseas and will not be added into our databases for that reason. (Yes, we do have some overseas cases but not all.)
  2. The link from the case title to the actual case has not yet been updated or activated. We are working on it but the task of fully updating all our links is not yet complete.
  3. The case may have been entered into the data base under a slightly different name.

A solution is to try is copying the title of the case, opening the case law database and then pasting the title into the Case Title field.
If you find that doesn’t work it may mean that the case title in the case law database is slightly different so try entering a couple of key words from the case title into the Case Title field. If the case is in our database that should pull it up.

If, after trying the steps outlined above, problems still persist please contact our customer service team for help.

By Susan Dugdale

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