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Happy Holidays

2011 …

pohutakawa flower - a Thomson Reuters ChristmasMany of you will be pleased to see the back of it as it’s been one of those years.

We’ve had earthquakes in Canterbury, the continuation of a challenging economic climate with knock on affects across all areas of business, oil spills and now the Nelson area is being asked to dig deep, to summon up the mental, emotional and physical resources to deal with extreme flooding. The cliché it never rains but it pours seems true, not only literally as in this last instance, but metaphorically too.

Given the prevalence of and prominence granted tough tales in our media it would be understandable to succumb to pessimism.

Focusing on the positive

But let’s not. Let’s choose instead to focus on the positive. Let’s celebrate the triumph and endurance of a Christchurch being reborn and be grateful to those who have given time and skills to help, not just in Canterbury but everywhere there’s been a need. Let’s acknowledge too, the small things that people do everyday making the world a kinder and happier place, not because they have to  but because they want to. They may not be newsworthy but we know it’s those things that truly count.   

May all of you have a joy-filled holiday break! We wish you blue skies; sunshine and relaxation time with your families and friends and look forward to renewing our contact in the New Year. 2012, may it be good for all of us!

Customer Service Hours

Should you wish to contact us, our hours over the Christmas - New Year break are:

Pre-Christmas: Wednesday 21st December -to-Friday 23rd December: 9 am - 4pm

Closed: 24th December - 4th January 2012

Re-opening:  5th January,  normal business hours, 8am to 5pm

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By Haydn Davies

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