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Instant Updates - RSS Feeds

Did you know there was a way to find out quickly what posts have been added to Online Insider without visiting the site?

By subscribing to Online Insider’s RSS feed you’ll get a summary of each new item as it’s posted.
The feed saves you time and will keep you updated ahead of the monthly Online Insider newsletter!

Most frequently updated sites have RSS feed functionality.
Some of the benefits of subscribing to a RSS feed are:

  • Real time awareness – as soon as a new article is posted you will see it in your RSS feed
  • Online Integration – your RSS feed can be integrated into your Intranet or internal communications
  • Alerting – RSS can be used in conjunction with a Feed Mailer or Outlook 2007 to insure you are alerted via email whenever a new material is added to a site

Click the link to find out more about RSS feeds.

RSS feed Online InsiderTo subscribe to the Online Insider RSS feed click on the Subscribe icon in the top right hand corner indicated by the orange arrow in the screen shot.
To complete the process follow the steps shown in the next two screen shots below.

RSS Feed Online Insider

Next click the subscribe to this feed link indicated by the orange arrow in the screen shot above.

RSS Feed Online Insider

And lastly click the subscribe button indicated above.

You will now receive as-they-happen small summaries instantly.

By Susan Dugdale

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