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Kids at Work

Kids at workShould you let your staff bring their children to work?

Most organisations these days seem to be moving to support some degree of work-life balance for their staff – but what if doing so poses a safety risk?

Many of us who are parents will have been in the situation where both parents are working and a child is sick, or the child’s school is closed for a teacher-only day, or the parent who was meant to be at home has been called in to work unexpectedly.

 These things happen.

What also then happens is that one of the parents brings the child into work for an hour or two to solve their childcare problem. Trouble is, it then poses a health and safety problem for the employer. What if the child is injured?

Naturally, some workplaces pose more risks than others, but the principle stands: workplaces are not designed to accommodate children. Also, employers should not be expected to solve their employees’ childcare issues (unless they have an on-site crèche which can cope with these things.)

This topic has been vigorously discussed recently by members of the Safeguard email forum.  To read or join to take part in their discussion click the link.

By Peter Bateman

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