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Related Documents:Brookers Online Training Tip

Did you know that there are related documents throughout the Brookers Online collection that contain references to the document you are currently looking at? 
They may include commentary, and/or documents that refer to and contain a link to the current document.

How to find Related Documents

For example, if you are looking at section CE 2 of the Income Tax Act 2007 - 
(Click the link above to take you there now and you'll see the page in the screen shot below)

Brookers Online -related documents training tip

 - then click on the Related Documents link in the right sidebar, you will see that there is a cross reference where this section has been referred to in five other main areas of the Brookers Online collection.  Click on any of those to link directly to those pages.

In the next example -  which is a link to a frequently-cited criminal case, there are several types of related documents as seen in the screen shot below.

Brookers Online - related documents training tip

Uses of Related Documents

Looking up related documents can be especially useful if you happen to be looking at a topic or section or case about which there is not much other information.  It may be a topic that is an emerging area, there may be little or no commentary, or it may be a case from an inferior Court that has not been summarised.

Checking out related documents gives you an overview of other places in the Brookers Online collection where mention has been made of the document you’re looking at, and therefore a better idea of other areas you can continue your research.

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By Patricia Veen

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