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Westlaw NZ Tip - Adding Notes to Documents

Westlaw NZ enables you to annotate a document. You can choose to add an inline or document note as well as highlight text within a document.

To Create a Document Note

Step 1: Select a document to display.
Step 2: Click the Add Note icon from the document tools. Then type in the text for the note and click Add Note.
Step 3: You will be prompted to add the current document to a folder - click Yes, then OK and select a folder destination for the document.

It is recommend to click Yes and save the document to a folder so you can easily locate the document and your notes at a later date.

Step 4: Once the note is created it will appear in a yellow box at the top of the document.  Click X to close and the Pencil to edit the note.

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To Create an Inline Note

Step 1:  Select a document to display.
Step 2:  Select text then click Add Note from the menu. This will highlight the selected text in pink and display a Add Note window.
Step 3: Type in the text for the note and click Add Note.

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Janina Leuii
By Janina Leuii

Janina Leuii is the Director, Customer Training AEM. She has over 20+ years of Training & Product Management experience with Thomson Reuters Online Services. Janina heads up our highly motivated and experienced Training Specialist Team in Asia and Emerging Markets.

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