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Westlaw NZ Tip - Mini Results List

Westlaw NZ now features a Mini Results List below the Search Summary so you can move quickly between results without leaving the current document.

The Mini Results List does not support all functionality found in the full results list, however it does provide an easy way to select the next result you want to review without having to move away from the current document.

Documents will load by default with the Document in Context in the left hand pane.

To access the Mini Results List:

Step 1: Select a document to view from the full results list
Step 2: Scroll the left hand pane up and click on “Search Summary”
Step 3:
Click on the blue links in the Mini Results List for the next document you would like to view

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Once you have started using the mini results list, documents will load with the Search Summary and Mini Results List in the left hand pane.

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Janina Leuii
By Janina Leuii

Janina Leuii is the Director, Customer Training AEM. She has over 20+ years of Training & Product Management experience with Thomson Reuters Online Services. Janina heads up our highly motivated and experienced Training Specialist Team in Asia and Emerging Markets.

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