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Westlaw NZ Tip - Sorting Case Law Results by Court

Westlaw NZ provides the option to sort case law search results by court. This includes superior to lower or lower to superior.

To demonstrate this start by conducting a case search.

Step 1:  Click on the Cases template from the Westlaw NZ homepage.

search templates

Step 2: Type in your search terms e.g. “personal injury” /10 “work related” into the free text search box and click Search.

the search

Step 3:  From the cases search results list click the Sort by drop-down arrow to view a list of sort options.


Step 4:  Select Court (superior to lower) or Court (lower to superior) to reorder the list.

Janina Leuii
By Janina Leuii

Janina Leuii is the Director, Customer Training AEM. She has over 20+ years of Training & Product Management experience with Thomson Reuters Online Services. Janina heads up our highly motivated and experienced Training Specialist Team in Asia and Emerging Markets.

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