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Checkpoint Guide - Homepage Features

Checkpoint’s homepage is designed to allow easy access to different areas and features such as search history and folders, as well as quick access to products, tools, and search templates. 



I'm locked out - how do I reset my username and/or password?

Help yourself: 

If your profile is locked out due to too many sign-in attempts, you must reset your password.

Reset your password from OnePass by clicking Forgot password?

If you have forgotten your username, click the Forgot username? link.

You will receive an email from OnePass that contains a link that will allow you to create a new password.

Let us help you:

For assistance with OnePass, call us on 1800 020 548 (Australia) 0800 10 60 25 (New Zealand) or you can email us at

Online Insider newsletter - May NZ


Welcome to “Online Insider” news from Thomson Reuters' training, content and development teams.

The May edition features Westlaw and Practical Law content articles, links to the trainers tips, videos and our complimentary webinars.

Online Insider newsletter - May NZ


Welcome to “Online Insider” news from Thomson Reuters' training, content and development teams.

The May edition features Westlaw and Practical Law content articles, links to the trainers tips, videos and our complimentary webinars.

Checkpoint - Set Preferences (2:15 min)

Learn how to customise Checkpoint to suit your searching preferences.

Checkpoint - Access Your Previous Searches and Viewed Documents (History) (1:50 min)

Learn how to save time relocating important documents or previously-conducted searches.

Checkpoint - Receive Alerts when Content is Added (1:55 min)

Watch this video to learn how to receive email alerts based on your search keywords and results.

Checkpoint - Receive News Bulletins (Alerts) (2:17 min)

Learn how to receive news bulletins and other information via emailed alerts.

Checkpoint - Share Folders with Colleagues (2:12 min)

Provide your team with easy access to important information and ensure consistent workflow.

Checkpoint - Access and Manage Research Saved to Folders (2:12 min)

Learn how to access and manage information you've saved into your folders in Checkpoint.
