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Financial Markets Notices in legislation collection on Westlaw New Zealand

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Current Financial Markets Notices have been added to Westlaw New Zealand’s collection of legislation.

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Key Number System Search

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Duty Lawyer Service — pay increase now, wider review to follow

Content updates

As noted in Legal Services (online ed, Thomson Reuters) at [LA68.02(2)] on Westlaw New Zealand, the Legal Services Commissioner has announced an increase in pay rates for duty lawyers from 1 August 2023, with a wider review of the Duty Lawyer Service to follow over the next six months...

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Criminal Precedents — new and amended forms

Content updates

The Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Amendment Regulations 2023 came into force on 27 July 2023. As well as amending regs 4–7 of the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Regulations 2009, various forms in the Schedule of the 2009 Regulations were amended and some new forms were created. The...

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Professor Emerita Nicola Peart's August Trusts Law update

Content updates

Professor Emerita Nicola Peart 's August Trusts chapter update will include new commentary on ss 77–80, 87 and 88 of the Trusts Act 2019  as well as commentary on latest cases including the Privy Council case Grand View Private Trust Co Ltd v Wong.

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Dr Debra Wilson repackages the Child Law "Adoption" chapter

Content updates

One major highlight to watch out for in the August update will be a new packaging of the "Adoption" chapter, undertaken by Associate Professor of Law, Dr Debra Wilson of Canterbury University, to include annotated commentary for the existing Adoption Act 1955 and a reviewed discursive...

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Supreme Court of New Zealand - recent judgments: July 2023

Content updates

A summary of decisions delivered in July 2023 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw New Zealand.

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