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Is Pay Per View available on the existing Westlaw NZ platform?

No, we are no longer able to support Pay Per View feature in Westlaw NZ. If you wish to opt in for Pay Per View for New Zealand content, please contact your Account Manager to discuss an option to switch your subscriptions to New Westlaw New Zealand. 

What do I do if the same content is consistently accessed via PPV in my organisation?

If you notice that users in your organisation are accessing the same PPV content on a regular basis, please contact your Account Manager to discuss if an annual subscription might be more cost effective. 

How can I turn off Pay Per View?

The PPV feature will be automatically available on Thomson Reuters Westlaw, Westlaw UK and and New Westlaw NZ. If you wish to block access to PPV, please contact Customer Care on 0800 10 60 60 or email us via

Are all international products available via Pay Per View?

Most international products are available via Pay Per View. There are some exceptions though. When you click on a document with the 'out of plan' sash, a pop up will appear stating that either "the content is not authorised under your subscription agreement" or "you will need to contact your Account Manager to access this content". Depending on commercial and geographical content restrictions, ANZ based users may or may not be able to subscribe to these products. 

If you have more questions, please contact Customer Care via

Some examples are listed as below: 

  • People Map and Public Records on Thomson Reuters Westlaw
  • Canadian Abridgement
  • Drafting Assistant on Thomson Reuters Westlaw
  • ICLR (Incorporated Council of Law Reporting) on Westlaw UK
  • Book PDFs on Westlaw UK
  • Lawtel Cases PDFs on Weslaw UK
  • Quantum Reports on Westlaw UK
  • Criminal Law Week on Westlaw UK
  • IDS Employment Law Brief on Westlaw UK
  • Index of Legal Terms on Westlaw UK
  • More

A few examples of warning messages when you can't access content by PPV. 

Not authorised



wl uk

How long will I have access to a document for?

How long do I have access to a document?

A user can access the same non-PDF document within the same session (ie; staying logged into their platform) as many times as they would like.

What if I log out and end my session?

Once the session has ended, the user has the ability to access most documents from within their History tab (located on the top bar of your platform for Westlaw UK, TR Westlaw and New Westlaw ANZ) until 5:00 AM NZST.  For more information on using the History function, click here.

PDFs are charged each time the user clicks on the link.

Is there any way to extend my access to a document I have accessed through PPV?

Using the save to folder function in Westlaw UK, TR Westlaw and New Westlaw ANZ will allow the user to retain access to a document for 365 days.

For more information on using the Folder function, click here.

How can I check what is included in my subscriptions?

If you subscribe to Thomson Reuters Westlaw, you can check underlying databases for your subscriptions in the application. For Westlaw UK and New Westlaw, please contact Customer Care on 0800 10 60 60. 

Thomson Reuters Westlaw offers My Content feature to check a list of your organisation's subscription. 

  1. Once you log into Thomson Reuters Westlaw, please click on Tools from the homepage. 
  2.  Click on My content to view your subscriptions.

Tool 3tool 4

How will I know if I am about to be charged for PPV content?

PPV allows you to search and browse most* Westlaw content without being charged. As soon as you click on a document that is outside of your subscription, a pop up will appear requiring you to accept the PPV charge before you can proceed to the document. 

*There will be some exceptions for search charges. For example searching within the Company Investigator in Thomson Reuters Westlaw will be charged. More information is available in the pricing guide for Thomson Reuters Westlaw. 

What is Pay Per View? How does it work?

Pay-Per-View(PPV) allows you to view content not covered by your subscriptions and you will be charged a transaction fee each time you view a document. 

With your annual subscriptions you have unlimited access to content inside your subscription. With PPV, you have immediate access to content outside of your subscriptions on a document-by-document basis.

If content is not covered by your subscription, it will be identified with the "out of plan" sash as below. As soon as you click on a document that is outside of your subscription, a pop up will appear requiring you to accept the PPV charge before you can proceed to the document. 

Out of plan ribbon

Create Publication alerts in Westlaw New Zealand (2:06 min)

This video demonstrates how to create a publication alert so you can be notified when cases, journals, or secondary sources are updated as well as how to create an Alert24 email notification.

Secondary Sources