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Westlaw New Zealand - Find and Print

Westlaw Find & Print™ provides an efficient way to retrieve up to 100 full text documents on Westlaw New Zealand and send them to a printer or email address, or download it to a file.

To retrieve documents using Find & Print:

  1. On the Westlaw home page, click Tools and Find & Print.

  1. Type or copy/paste your citations in the Enter Citations box. You can enter up to 100 citations – separate citations with a semicolon or on separate lines. For example: 2019 NZHC 3337;2018 NZHC 583;2019 NZHC 3281
  1. Under Result Options, select one or more check boxes to indicate the content you want delivered. 

  • Select the Full text documents check box to deliver the full text of your documents. You can also select Case opinion only to deliver case opinions without editorial enhancements and Statutory text only to deliver statutes without annotations. 
  • KeyCite: Select the List of all History Treatments check box to deliver KeyCite history for your documents. You can also select the Exclude Related Filings (for Cases) check box to exclude court documents (e.g., briefs and trial court documents) from the KeyCite history result, or select the List of all Negative Treatments check box to limit the KeyCite history results to show only negative history. 
  • Select the List of the first 500 Citing References check box to deliver KeyCite citing references for your documents, or check the box Exclude Pleadings, Briefs, and Other Documents.
  1. Under Delivery Options, select the destination to which you want your results sent. 

  • Select Email to send your results to an email address. Choose a document format (Microsoft® Word, WordPerfect®, Word Processor (RTF), or PDF) from the corresponding drop-down list. Type one or more email addresses in the To box. You can choose to deliver your documents as a single merged fi le or as a merged zip file. 
  • Select Print to deliver the documents to your printer.  
  • Select Download to save your results to a file. Choose a document format (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Word Processor (RTF), or PDF) from the corresponding drop-down list. You can choose to deliver your documents as a single merged file or as a merged zip file.

Westlaw New Zealand - How to copy with reference

Learn how to copy text with reference, including a hyperlink to the direct text.

Copy with Reference 

Use this feature to copy and paste text into another document such as Word or an email. 

  1. Select a section of text you want to copy. 
  2. Choose Copy with Reference from the shortcut menu. A message will appear stating the Text is copied. You can then paste the text in your document. 

Copy citation with hyperlink

  1. To copy the URL of the case, use the link icon to Copy Citation
  2. Tick Add hyperlink to citation and Copy. You can then paste the linked citation in your document.

This is a sticky feature within Westlaw so you only need to select it once and your future copied citations and references will all include the hyperlink.


Westlaw New Zealand - Annotating your documents  

Personalise your research by annotating documents with notes, highlighting, save a snippet of text to a folder, and copy text with reference.

Highlighting and notes 

  1. When you select text in a document, a shortcut menu will appear.   
  2. You have the option to save the highlighted text to a folder. When you hover over Save to Folder, a selection of your folders will be displayed. Select a folder to save the highlighted text and document to a folder. You can choose to highlight the text in a particular colour. 
  1. To delete a highlight, click on the highlighted text and select Delete Highlight. 
  1. When you print, download or email documents that have highlights, you can include these by selecting the Document and My Annotations option. 

Adding a note to a document 

Document-level notes display at the top of the page, rather than next to the text. These notes remain indefinitely or until you delete them. 

  1. From the document view page, click on the Add note icon from the tool bar and select Add document level note. 
  1. Write your note in the space provided in the Note box. The maximum number of characters is 3000. 
  2. Notes remain with the document indefinitely or until you remove them. You can edit the text of a note or delete a note by clicking on the edit note icon. 

Adding a note in-line with text 

  1. Highlight the text that you would like to add a note to. 
  2. From the shortcut menu that appears, select Add Note. Write your note in the space provided. The maximum number of characters is 3000 (including spaces). 
  3. The text to which the note relates will be highlighted and the note will appear in the margin next to the text.  
  1. You can edit the text of a note by clicking on the Edit Note icon. Delete a note by clicking on the Delete Note icon 

Copy with Reference 

The Copy with Reference feature will copy a portion of a document and paste it into a document outside of Westlaw  New Zealand, such as Word or email.

  1. Select the text you wish to copy.
  2. Choose Copy with Reference from the shortcut menu. A message will appear stating the Text is copied. You can then paste the text in your document. When the selected text is pasted into your file, it will include a reference where it was extracted from in Westlaw.


  • To include the citation information, before completing the copy with references steps.
  • First, click the drop down to the right of the Copy icon and select Copy Citation. 
  • The citation will appear on the screen. Click Copy.
  • For future use of the copy with reference feature, Westlaw New Zealand will include a reference that is hyperlinked.

Save a Snippet 

A snippet is a section of text which may include a quote, legal principal and/or relevant text. Snippets are saved to a folder and when you click on a saved snippet it will take you directly to that section of the document referenced. 

  1. Select a section of text you want to save. If you choose to create a new folder you must do this first before saving the search. 
  2. Select Save to a New Folder to save the snippet to then click Save.  
  3. Choose Add Snippet from the menu. 

Westlaw New Zealand - How to research a case by topic using natural language 

Natural language searching allows you to search by asking a question or typing in a sentence that describes the information you are looking for.

Conduct a search using natural language by following these steps: 

  1. Type the legal issue you are researching into the global search bar, e.g., Copyright infringement involving musical works, and click search.
  1. In the overview summary page, results display the case law where keywords are found in the judgment, and West Key Number Classifications related to similar points of law. 
  2. Select Cases on the left-hand side to view all relevant cases.
  1. If there are too many results, you can narrow them down by:  
  1. Editing your search – reword your natural language search in the global search bar. 
  2. Searching within results – search within your results for cases containing an additional term or phrase, e.g., "intellectual property". 
  3. Filtering – filter results by a specific aspect, e.g., jurisdiction or date. 

What is a Client ID?

The Client ID is used to record billable time against a client or matter. The Client ID is recorded in your History tab within Westlaw. Enter a client name, research topic or a matter number and click the Start new session button to get started with your research.

Update: The Client ID prompt has now been removed for IP access.

How to login with OnePass on Westlaw UK?

Using the Westlaw UK sign in page, please enter in your Username and Password and click Sign in. If you have forgotten your OnePass login credentials, please click either Forgot username? or Forgot password? and follow the prompts to reset your details.

Westlaw UK OnePass Sign in page

If your organisation is set up with IP access and you access within the recognised IP network, you will be let into the platform without needing to log in. To login with OnePass please follow our tip sheet here.

What’s the timeout limit for Practical Law and Westlaw UK?

6 hours.

What will happen to my “old” Westlaw UK alerts?

During the period of parallel access (September to December) users will continue to receive alerts from current Westlaw UK. When the period of parallel access ends the alerts will be deleted on the closed platform. Users will need to ensure they recreate their alerts on the new Westlaw UK if they wish to continue to receive them.

What will happen to my existing Westlaw UK alerts?

As the new Westlaw UK service has an improved search and alerts engine, users will need to set up their alerts on the new service. This will ensure users are alerting on the most up to date, relevant content and can make use of the new features on the service. We will not be turning off old alerts until users are happy with the alerts on the new platform.

What will happen to my deep links to Westlaw UK content?

Westlaw UK will be moving to a new platform at the end of 2019. As new features and enhancements are launched on the new platform we expect our users to make new Westlaw UK their service of choice. All users will have a period of dual access when they can use both sites. During this dual running period, users will be able to create deep links to the new Westlaw UK to replace existing links they may have created on their intranet or in documents. This approach allows users to manage how and when they link to the new service. The new service makes it easier to get to certain content types and other content has been improved and restructured. We also know that users have some very old links in outdated formats and links to content that is no longer available. Therefore, a user led approach allows everyone to ensure links to the new service achieve the goal the user originally intended.