Employment Law: Gloriavale case - Westlaw NZ
Important case law commentary has been added to the Employment Relations Act 2000 in relation to what is “work” and the employment of young children in the context of a religious community.
Important case law commentary has been added to the Employment Relations Act 2000 in relation to what is “work” and the employment of young children in the context of a religious community.
Important case law commentary has been added to the Employment Relations Act 2000 in relation to what is “work” and the employment of young children in the context of a religious community.
Currently, in New Zealand, if your baby is born via a surrogate, you must apply for adoption in order to get your name on the birth certificate. Paige’s mother, Katherine, had cystic fibrosis and needed a surrogate. She died before Paige’s birth and ran out of time to apply.
When typing in search terms on the home page, Westlaw suggests relevant documents.
Previously the document title was displayed with a document citation and jurisdiction listed under it.
Document citation has been replaced by the documents publication name.
This information makes it...
As noted in Legal Services on Westlaw New Zealand, the New Zealand Government’s Budget 2022 includes an extra $190 million of legal aid funding over four years for two initiatives.
This course will discuss how to find legislation and commentary efficiently. Find current, historical and future legislation and identify the different commentary formats available. More course dates.
This webinar will outline content available in Practical Law New Zealand Resource Centre. Learn how to effectively search and deliver key information as well as the understand the functionality available to share and collaborate on projects. More course dates.