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Westlaw New Zealand

Thomson Reuters Training & Support


Browse the video library to learn more about the features and functionality our product and services.

Using Find and Print to email, print or download multiple case citations (1:41 min)

This video shows how to use Find and Print to quickly download multiple law reports and unreported judgments in a court-ready format.

Case law,
Getting Started
How to find a case by citation in Westlaw New Zealand - (1:38 min)

This video demonstrates how to find a case by citation.

Case law,
How to find a case using a party name or title in Westlaw New Zealand - (1:57 min)

This video shows how to find a case using a party name or title.

Case law
KeyCite - Westlaw New Zealand (2:41 min)

This video discusses what KeyCite is and how to use it in Westlaw New Zealand.

Case law
Westlaw New Zealand - Key Number System (1:58 min)

This video demonstrates how to browse, access, and use Key Numbers to find case law.

Case law
Search by Practice Area in Westlaw New Zealand (3:19 min)

In this video we will demonstrate how to search for content relevant to specific Practice Areas.

Using natural legal language to search in Westlaw New Zealand (1:49 min)

Natural legal language searching allows you to search for content by asking a question or typing in a sentence that describes the information you are looking for.

Advanced searching on Westlaw New Zealand (5:52 min)

Learn how to conduct advanced searches in Westlaw New Zealand by using the advanced search templates for different types of content: Cases, Legislation and Secondary Sources.

Case law,
Secondary Sources
Westlaw New Zealand- Creating an Alert24 email notification (3:39 min)

Did you know you can keep up to date with changes in case law, legislation/bills, legal news and policy releases with Alert24?

Creating a KeyCite Alert in Westlaw New Zealand (3:13 mins)

This video demonstrates how to set up a KeyCite alert so you can be notified if the status of a case changes.

Case law
Create WestClip alerts in Westlaw New Zealand (2:48 mins)

This video demonstrates how to create a WestClip alert based on your search results.

Create Publication alerts in Westlaw New Zealand (2:06 min)

This video demonstrates how to create a publication alert so you can be notified when cases, journals, or secondary sources are updated as well as how to create an Alert24 email notification.

Secondary Sources

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