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Westlaw NZ

Thomson Reuters Training & Support

Westlaw - Advanced Research Skills for Students

This interactive student workshop provides the opportunity to seek assistance and find answers to a research task. 
The Training Specialist will provide guidance and best practice on research strategies utilising New Zealand and International Westlaw platforms.

Elizabeth Odom
Date & Time
Thu 16 Sep 2021, 5:30pm
Thu 16 Sep 2021, 6:00pm
30 minutes

This interactive student workshop allows students to seek assistance from a Training Specialist on a legal research task, topic or thesis.

The Trainer will provide guidance and best practice on research strategies leveraging various Westlaw platforms, including Westlaw NZ, Westlaw Classic and Westlaw UK. The content can include New Zealand and International cases, journals, commentaries, news and encyclopaedic works. 

Note: It is recommended students have completed an introductory Westlaw course prior to attending this course.